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Focus. We need focus!

Our clients expect dynamic value creation from us. Whether change, crisis, stakeholder communication, digital transformation or internal communication – the tasks are becoming more complex, there are more interfaces, the speed is increasing, projects are becoming more agile. This is precisely where we, as Wicked Business Problem People, want to make a real difference in terms of quality and innovative strength. This is only possible if we do not leave focused work to chance, but make it the systematic result of our organization and way of working. In other words, if we become a Focused Company.

What may sound like just a bit of New Work at first glance can actually become a game changer that really deserves this buzzword. Focused Company means, among other things:

  • Focused work takes precedence over constant accessibility.
  • Internal meetings are the exception and must be well justified.
  • Single-tasking is the new core competency.
  • Breaks are an essential part of value creation.

And these are just a few of the principles with very concrete, comprehensive effects. An example of the principle of focused work: All our consultants work without interruption and without e-mail, telephone, chat or meetings Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. During this focus time, they are also unavailable to their clients. Because they work with maximum focus during these two hours in order to be able to deliver exceptional quality. For their clients.

Testing, learning and above all: doing!

We are still at the beginning of this journey; we are testing a lot and learning even more. But we are already sure that this is the right way for us. Because only as a Focused Company can we continue to be for our clients what we have already been for the past 18 years: impulse givers, sparring partners, creative strategists and reliable implementers with a high level of methodological competence.

Oh, and also: because it is simply more fun to work in a brain-friendly way...

Here you can find more background information about the Focused Company model, neuro-ergonomic work and Deep Work.

3 Daniel J  Hanke

Daniel J. Hanke

Board & Partner

More about Deep Work?


Phone+49 89 47 02 771-10

Related Services

Deep Work, Internal Communications, Change


On average, our brains are interrupted every 18 minutes. This fragmentation is poison for quality and innovation.

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