Others have a philosophy.

We are strategic-creative, detail-mad doers.
Klenk & Hoursch stands for the optimal balance between strategy, creativity and excellent implementation. We always strive for the right relationship of Head-Heart-Hand which amounts to effective and profitable communication. In other words, we are grounded when developing strategies and never lose sight of our strategic goal when implementing them.

We are passionate communication professionals.
We enjoy our job, and working with us should be fun. We are enthusiastic service providers who never stop wanting to get better. We believe it’s our responsibility to constantly search for innovation.

We are partners.
We build long-term partnerships on the basis of fair relations with our clients, the media and our suppliers. Continued trust not only reduces costs. Things operate so much better this way. Through our participation model we retain top class consultants for longer than average in our industry. Our partner model guarantees corporate action and client proximity. That is the basis for reliable, sustainable and successful cooperation.

We are well organised anti-bureaucrats.
We hate organizational chaos just as much as we hate bureaucracy. Both limit our professional freedom. We therefore have simple, clear processes for all important procedures – and we stick to them like no other communications agency. We love organization. It is important to us because it is the only way we can be truly efficient and creative, making excellent service systemic to Klenk & Hoursch. In this we’ll always self-critical, flexible and agil without succumbing to redundant structures and bureaucratic systems. Here too, we strive for the right Head-Heart-Hand balance. Common sense always prevails!
Percent of our customers consider us to be "strategic-creative, detail-obsessed doers" (source: customer satisfaction surveys since 2005)